Glasses to Battle Jet Lag

How would you like to wear a pair of spectacles to ensure that you don’t feel the effects of jet lag on long distance flights? Does it sound like science fiction? Strangely enough it is actually a real gadget that has been developed by some sleep researchers. That is people who do research on sleep patterns.

Professor Leon Lack, the inventor of the spectacles explains how they work. The high tech glasses which he calls “Re-Timer” emit a soft green glow that affects the human body clock. The light green glow helps to alter the sleep pattern of the wearer so that the person can get off a long distance flight feeling well rested.

The light affects a gland at the base brain which is known to control the body clock. This excretes hormones to regulate the circadian rhythms or daily cycles of the human body clock. Now that’s a science project that will literally change the way you rest.

The researchers at the Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia hope that the light device will eliminate the sudden change that people experience from flying long distances into different time zones. Frequent fliers will probably be the most benefited when the device actually  hits the markets.

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