Oxides and Acids around the house

Oxidization is the layer on your metal possessions which takes away their sheen and shine. This layer of oxides can be cleaned up using some common acids available around the house. Here we can undertake a science project using a common device to be cleaned and trying out different types of acidic substances from around the house to clean them.

For the sake of simplicity the objects to be cleaned can be pennies that have lost their shine due to the copper oxide layer that has formed on them. The layer will be cleaned using three different types of acidic fluids namely white vinegar, lemon juice and orange juice.

The procedure for each liquid cleansing would have to be identical. First take three identical plastic containers and keep one penny each in them. Now pour vinegar in the first, lemon juice in the second and orange juice in the third container.Let the pennies stay submerged in the acidic liquid for ten minutes. Then take them out and rinse them off with some water.

Keep an observation notepad ready to see which of the liquids was the most successful in cleaning the copper pennies. You can repeat the science experiment by varying the time duration that you keep the pennies submerged.


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