Move a Soda Can without touching it

Science can help you have a lot of fun if you know how to use it right. The static electricity we used to levitate an orb in the last blog post can be put to use to impress your friends or maybe even win a bet. Similar charges repel each other and so as soon as you touch the tinsel with the pipe the charges become the same and begin to push each other away.

Since the tinsel is thinner it levitates. In this case the soda can is heavy so its not going to float up in the air, but you can still get it to move. Here’s how you can move the soda can without your hands ever touching it.

First drink up the soda inside the can. Then blow up a large size balloon. now rub the balloon on your hair or a piece of silk, whichever is handy. Have your friend place the can on its side on a flat surface. Hold the balloon close to the soda can but don’t touch it.

You will find that the can will get attracted towards the balloon and will roll towards it. Make sure that the can does not touch the balloon or the polarity of charges will change and you will no longer be able to perform this science experiment.

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