Make a Science Project out of Blowing up a Balloon

A simple chemical reaction can be used to blow up a balloon as demonstrated in the last blog post. Now learn how you can use that simple scientific demonstration to make a full fledged science project. The process of the experiment has already been described so here we will focus on the variables that you can use to create the science project.

The size of the water bottle can be the first variable that we use in the project. Does the smaller half liter bottle help blow up the balloon better than a larger one liter bottle? Follow the identical process in both cases and note the difference down in your notebook.

Another variable can be the temperature of the vinegar in the water bottle. Warm up the cup of vinegar in the microwave for a minute and cool down another cup of vinegar in the freezer for one minute. Now use the two different temperatures of the cups of vinegar to observe what happens in the science experiment.

The last variable that you can use is the amount of baking soda that you fill into the balloon. Does two spoons of baking soda fill it up faster than one spoon. What happens if you increase the quantity to three spoons. Answers to all these variables will give you a great science project.

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