Seeds Galore

A little seed is a very important part of our lives. The potential plant lying dormant within the seed can produce food that will feed us enabling us to live. This biology based science experiment is simple and easy to follow. Just take a look at the various ways nature has provided plants to protect their seeds.

In this experiment here we are going to take a look at the different kinds of seeds that fruit plants produce. If we try and make a comprehensive study of all kinds of plant seeds the scope of the experiment will be way beyond your grade level. So pick between five to ten fruits that are commonly available to get started.

A few good ones are Apples, Peaches, Coconuts, Mangoes, Grapes, Oranges, Kiwis, etc. The things that are going to be observed and recorded in the project include the size of the fruit as compared to the size of the seed, the number of seeds per fruit and the protection provided by the fruit.

You can pick other factors if you want to make a more detailed science project out of it. You will need to physically examine each fruit and its seeds to record your observations. Make sure you take plenty of pictures to make it visually appealing.

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