Collect information before you think

Before you begin your science fair project make sure you have all the information that you need. Harnessing your full potential brain power involves you listening to the complete question before you begin to solve it. To crack any puzzle yo need all the clues, by not listening to the full question you are giving yourself a major disadvantage.

Mike Byster says that the human brain is so incredibly powerful. Sometimes, it may be a little too powerful. There are so many times where the mind figures out the answer to a question without actually stopping to read the whole question. So many decisions are made automatically without actually getting all the facts.

There is more than one kind of logic at play when you solve problems. When you practice divergent thinking based on different possibilities you are so much more likely to get things right. You have a powerful and some what troublesome tool in your brain, learn to use it to its full efficacy. This will happen when you see not just what you want to see, but also what is actually being shown. This is why observation and records play such an important part of any science fair project.



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