Have a Surgery? Watch TV

There are constant innovations being made to health care as technology progresses, but this little science experiment is an interesting one. Patients at the Peterborough City Hospital are being given the option of watching their favorite films while they undergo surgery with local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia.

The project is being spearheaded by consultant anesthetist Dr Richard Griffiths who feels that this is a better way to  relax patients while undergoing surgery. The most popular choice of movies amongst older patients undergoing surgery this way include classics such as Sound of Music, West Side Story, Cabaret, and South Pacific.

Older female patients have been choosing either the BBC documentary Blue Planet, because of David Attenborough’s soothing narrative, or Dirty Dancing. In fact Dirty Dancing is amongst the most popular choices amongst most female patients.  A 75 year old lady who underwent a hip operation watching Sound of Music is totally sold on the idea.

She says that it was a good experience and a much better way to have an operation. She would never have expected to have such an option but now she is determined to ask if she can watch TV if she ever needs another surgical procedure. Trust human beings to make life interesting using such science projects.

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