What Possibilities Should Your Science Fair Project Deal With?

Impressive science projects are ones that have many possibilities of being put to use in the real world. This is what helps students with fresh thoughts bring new ground breaking projects into the world of science and technology. It doesn’t have to be too complicated either as this unique science fair project shows.

Carcinogens or cancer causing molecules are formed when chicken is grilled. However certain types of chicken marinades can block these carcinogenic compounds from forming when the chicken is grilled. As per the high school student who conducted the study it was something as simple as lemon juice marinade that could do the trick. Now that’s a science fair with possibilities galore.

If you have access to more complicated equipment you can do even better research like this high school kid did. He hooked up an EEG scanner to his brain and used to to improve the efficiency of mind controlled prosthetic limbs. Prosthetic limbs are artificial legs or arms that are often fitted after a patient needs to undergo amputation. They are not usually the easiest of devices to get used to, but this new mind controlling technology will make it easier. That’s a science project that will have endless possibilities in the real world.

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