Making a Car out of a Cardboard Box

Automobile engineering in the back yard is what this science project is about. This is a summer project that you can actually use for fun. It involves making a car, or if you want to get more creative a bus, out of a cardboard box.

Here’s what you will need. A big cardboard box, plenty of colored duct tape, wheels in the form of plastic plates and  brass brads to fasten them to the box. For you information the boxes are going to be used more as seats and the wheels are merely for a decorative effect.

Make the cardboard boxes sturdier by taping them over with duct tape. If you use colored duct tape you can even add a layer of design to the cardboard car. Now spray paint the plastic plates to what ever color you think the wheels should be, ideally black is good, but you can go with whatever you like.

Once they have dried up attach the plastic plates to the sides of the cardboard box using brass brads. these will need to be placed with some caution so that you don’t hurt yourself getting in and out of the car. Next add a cushion inside the box for you to rest your bottom. Your cardboard box car is ready. Take on a more difficult science project by building a pirate’s boat out of the cardboard box if you like.

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