Building Clear Glass

The frosting over of glass on the car windshield while driving through a fog can actually be dreadful and in some cases involving accidents, even fatal. This is why there are ongoing scientific experiments to try and keep the windshield glass clear. Researchers Michael F. Rubner, Robert E. Cohen and their team have been working on developing a water repelling coating that can be applied to the glass to ensure it does not blind the driver of the car.

The coating is supposed to keep the glass free of fog and frost enabling the driver to have a clear view through the windshield while he drives. If they succeed in making the glass coating there will be other possible uses for it. For instance the coating may help photographers who rue the lens of their camera fogging over in an outdoor shoot.

Possible industrial uses would include windows for homes and offices which would use the glass coating to repel water and forever stay clear. There may be something tricky with cleaning these windows so as not to take off the coating with regular domestic cleaning products. Its enough fodder for a new science project to produce a cleansing agent that does not react with the glass coating chemicals.

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