Amazon Instant Delivery Drone

Delivery time may be cut down drastically in the future when you shop from online super store Amazon. They company has decided to use drones to make deliveries in a limited range area from their order fulfillment zones. They may end up delivering everything from shoes to small electronic consumer goods if they get the approval of the federal government.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos informed the media on Sunday that “Prime Air”, as the program is being called, will eventually see hundreds of small sized drones buzzing around the homes in America dropping off packages that have been ordered online. The company hopes to deliver the packages within a 60 minute limit.

Now that will be instant service. They will use the small “octocopter” as the UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) of choice to make the deliveries. The octocopter is drone that can carry up to five pounds worth of stuff. New drones with stronger capabilities will have to be invented through new science experiments for the program to succeed.

Getting permission to use the drones will be another road block. While the Federal Aviation Administration is working to integrate civilian drones into US airspace , this is not going to happen overnight. The delivering drones will likely begin work around 2025. However it would be fun to imagine just how they would swoop down to deliver the goods to your home.

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