The Young Star’s Nursery

The Hubble Space telescope sent in an interesting photograph to NASA scientists recently. It showed the birth of a young star in a Chameleon cloud. The star is seen in the image throwing off narrow streams of gas from its poles at high speed. This creates a collision with the slower moving gases that surround it.

As a result of the two gas streams colliding the area around the young star is lit up. The birthing of a young star sees it gobble up the resources close to it to form the core that is massive enough to trigger nuclear fission. The process is being demonstrated beautifully in the case of this young celestial body which has been dubbed HH 909A.

A star begins to throw out material in violent bursts just before the fission process begins. It is at this stage that the new star currently is being photographed. The resulting narrow, patchy regions of faintly glowing nebulosity are known as Herbig-Haro objects. They do not last long and are thought of in terms of a blink of the eye in astronomical timescales.

No matter how long the young unruly star throws a tantrum, the scientists who are studying it will have no reason to complain. This is one science project where the scientists will be waiting to watch the next action of the star baby eagerly.


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