Postal Delays are Nothing Compared to this

Did you think that getting deliveries by regular post took ages and was unreliable? Do you wonder why they tell you they will deliver something by a certain date and never seem to do so? Well then you have to be really glad that you are not stuck on the International Space Station because they have an even more erratic delivery system.

SpaceX runs the supplies from Earth to the ISS and it was supposed to launch the next cargo ship on Sunday, March 16. The launch was to take place from Cape Canaveral. However the private company has postponed the launch by nearly two weeks and the next cargo ship is likely to leave Earth only in  the month of April.

So who gets affected by this delay? Robonaut! Remember R2 the humanoid robot who is currently being tested in field conditions on the ISS? The robot was supposed to get a pair of legs in this supply run. It has so far been operating from a pedestal. Once the supplies reach Robonaut will finally be able to stretch its legs!

In addition to Robonaut’s legs the Dragon capsule, that’s the name of the SpaceX cargo pod, will also transport nearly two tonnes of supplies and experiences to the ISS. Let’s hope the delay does not affect the science experiments on board the Dragon!

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