Plasma Protects Earth

The Earth is protected by the harsh rays of the sun by its atmosphere. This atmosphere is the primary reason why living beings like you and me are able to survive on the planet. It was seen that there was a magnetic field around the earth. It is also called the magnetosphere.  This is the layer of the atmosphere which stretches from the core of the earth into outer space and helps protect us against solar energy that may harm us.

When the electric currents come shafting through the magnetosphere it is called “magnetic reconnection”. This is the reason for geomagnetic storms and space weather phenomena which affect the human beings on the International Space Station, and even those in high altitude planes. Remember the turbulence you experience on a flight?

Researchers studying this phenomenon in MIT and NASA have discovered a new process that helps to shield the earth. It has been seen that a plume of low level plasma particles ride on the magnetic lines that rise up from the earth into space. These plasma particles are present in thousands on the upper level of the magnetosphere.

So when the sun’s energy hits the magnetosphere the plasma particles take the brunt of the electric attack and thus minimize the damage that they would do on earth. Now that is an interesting find of this new science project.

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