Someone Hacked Your Smartphone

Since the time Apps were invented to be downloaded onto a smartphone there has always been a very real possibility that an app could hack your phone and gain personal information. This is why making sure that an app was programmed by a trustworthy site was of paramount importance.

Now a set of computer scientists at the University of California – Riverside have demonstrated that even a trusted app could end up compromising your smart phone. The researchers revealed a flaw in operating systems such as Android, iOS, and Windows which could allow a hacker to gain personal information from your smart phone if you have downloaded the apps for gmail, CHASE Bank and H&R Block.

The researchers were able to hack into these apps with a success rate between 82 to 92%. Surprisingly Amazon app was the most difficult to hack with a success rate of 48%. The science project began because the researchers felt that there was an unparallelled security risk thanks to the many apps that were being developed by so many different developers the world over

Having proved that any app can be hacked the researchers are now working on reducing the risk that apps provide to a smartphone. Anything that makes the smart phone date more difficult to hack will be well worth waiting for.


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