Walls Fight Back in Germany

What do you do when you live near the night club locality of Hamburg and wake up each morning to a stench of urine left behind when drunk revelers pissed on the walls in your street? You put up signs, place fines and when all else fails you teach your walls to fight back.

Now while the walls do not actually grown an arm and punch the drunk in the face, they do indeed give him a start. Walls have been coated with a super hydro phobic paint coating which makes the urine bounce right back off the wall onto the feet of the drunk.

Needless to say the action has been warned of with signs that read, “Do not pee here. We pee back.” The simple but effective campaign was made possible by a product that goes by the name Ultra Ever Dry commercially. Developed by a US based company called Resource Energy Group, the manufacturers and inventors would never have guessed in a million years the product being used as a pee deterrent.

Just goes to show you never know how your science project may end up helping the world. This sure was an unexpected use of a product designed with some other purpose in mind altogether.

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