Get Your Meteor Showers On Demand

Meteor Showers are a spectacular night time vision where you can see a large quantity of debris from space entering the atmosphere of the Earth and burning up before anything substantial can reach the lower levels of the atmosphere. They often occur when a comet passes close by and loses some of its tail to the gravity of the planet.

The sight is similar to a fireworks display which can be enjoyed from the ground. Unfortunately not everyone can predict when the next meteor shower will occur with a great deal of accuracy. So you have to be really lucky to catch one, and that is why a Japanese firm has come up with this idea of getting a meteor shower on demand.

A Japanese start-up company by the name of ALE hopes to tie up with numerous universities to create the artificial meteor showers, which will cost around $8,100 per meteor for buyers. They are planning to use a chemical mixture packed into tiny, inch-wide balls that will be ejected from a satellite at a predestined time to form the on demand meteor shower.

Now this is a science project that would clearly excite any number of star gazers who would like to compare the artificial shower with the real deal. It will be interesting to see just how successful ALE is with this project.

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