Making Cars More Fuel Efficient

With the state of fossil fuels being what they are, it makes sense for us to make cars that are more fuel efficient. There are different ways that you can do this. You can make better engines so that the fuel is converted more efficiently into energy with minimal wastage. Or you can redesign the car frame to ensure that the drag force acting on it is reduced allowing it to be more energy efficient.

The folks over at Delft University  of Technology decided to go with the second option when they designed what they called the Ecorunner. These students of engineering came up with the most aerodynamic shape for a car as yet designed. You will be excused for thinking that its actually some kind of small plane, when you look at it first.

The Ecorunner has a drag coefficient of 0.0512 which is about six times less than most mass produced cars these days. So how does this reduced drag coefficient translate into fuel efficiency you want to know? Rather well as per the tests conducted on it. It shows a 1227.5 km per cubic meter of fuel efficiency on its hydrogen tank.

In regular car terms that is sort of like running more than 3000 km on a single litre of petrol. Now that is a science project that everyone can put their weight behind.

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