World’s Smallest Camera Equipped Drone Needs No FAA Approval

The Federal Aviation Administration of FAA is wondering if this little one and a half square inch flying drone camera needs to be registered. Its so tiny that the Axis Vidius can very easily fit into the palm of your hand, but its still powerful enough to live stream the video its recording.

In December the FAA began its drone registration program for all drone pilots both professional and hobbyists and within two days had more than forty five thousand registrations on its portal online. However the Axis Vidius weighs just about half a pound and is currently exempt from being registered at the FAA.

Although the quadcopter is really small it can use WiFi and stream a live video in the five to seven minutes that it manages to stay in the air. While it has its own controller, the user has the option of also controlling it from a tablet or smart phone.

At less than a hundred dollars and with no additional headaches of registration with the FAA, the Axis Vidius may well emerge as the drone of choice for a number of first time buyers. And trust me there will be more interesting science projects just round the corner with the tiny quadcopter drone flying about.

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