Flying in the Air : At the Science Fair

Any number of kids want to fly. In fact many adults too have this secret fantasy.  All of us are fascinated by birds that effortlessly flap their wings and take off into the sky.The blue open spaces seem to symbolize freedom to us. There is something very liberating to imagine yourself soaring through the air.

Perhaps that’s why the sport of paragliding or para sailing are so popular. Although what goes up, must come down. In some cases it can be aided by parachutes. In other cases it will crash down to the Earth. Many science experiments go into designing and manufacturing good parachutes. This is an essential safety equipment for any one who is going to fly in a plane or even jump out of one.

Here’s a good science fair project idea based on the study of parachutes. This will help you make a detailed study of parachutes made out of different materials and just how effective and fast they are. These are just guidelines and you are free to improvise as and when you feel the need.

You never know it could actually lead you to design the next best selling parachute. It is through small science projects like the ones that you do for your science fair projects that you can lay the foundation of your future career. And even if it does not work out into a job, you would still have had fun with the science experiments.

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