Fire Fighting with Sound

A forest fire in a hard to reach region can become a nightmare for the forest rangers. The loss of flora and fauna can take years to recover from. Now scientists at the George Mason University are coming up with an innovative way to put out fires using… sound! They have found that loud noises directed at the trees below can disrupt the air surrounding the fire.

Since the fire needs air to fuel it, the absence of air results in the fire dying out. As per the researchers the sonic extinguisher would work best at bass frequencies. Bombardier is a company that has taken it one step further and produced a flying saucer type of disc which it calls Firesound. A good blast of sound from it is all it takes to put out a fire.

This UFO lookalike works on this same principle and uses sound pressure waves to help fight forest fires. The electric drone is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell and has enough sensors loaded to help the park officials know just how well the fire extinguishing efforts are proceeding. Now this is one science project that could make a world of a difference when it comes to fire fighting out in nature’s lap.

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