Will Chicken Soup Help My Cold?

There are a number of foods that get recommended when you fall ill. Are these old wives tales or do the foods in question actually have restorative properties related to the illness? Now that technology is developed enough, we get to test the theories and check if the specified foods do help when you fall sick with the said disease.

Take Chicken Soup for instance. It’s the go to remedy for most people when they come down with a cold, but is it really effective in treating the cold? Researchers have found evidence that some chemical in chicken soup interferes with the ability of white blood cells to move to the site of an infection.

White blood cells are what fight the infection and cause inflammation in the throat and sinuses during a cold. So if the number of white blood cells reduces the inflammation is not quite as bad. now what does this mean? The symptoms of the cold i.e. inflammation, is reduced when you drink chicken soup.

No, it will not cure the cold, or make it disappear, but it will make the person suffering from the cold feel better. That’s why you can drink chicken soup the next time you have a cold. Consider making a science project on the different foods that are supposed to aid different diseases.

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