‘Cool’ Computer Uses

The computer has always been a source of heat. The early computers had a tendency to overheat and switch off. To avoid this happening they were placed in cool rooms to combat the heat that they generated. Now there is a chance that the very heat that the computer generates is used to cool the area around it.

At least that’s what the researchers at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln are trying to do. Instead of combating the heat they are planning to use it as an alternative energy source. This is an interesting science project with many possibilities.

As electricity and heat are both essentially sources of power, they plan to use the heat generated when the computer is in use. Sidy Ndao is the assistant professor of mechanical and material engineering who is developing a nano thermal device or thermal diode to the effect.

Ndao feels that one would be able to use heat in the same way one is able to use electricity. By using the heat generated by the computer to power up the computer itself is one way to go. The heat expended is used to power the thermal diode which is fitted into the computer and acts sort of like a secondary power source.

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