Making Cars Easier to Find

Parking at a mall or a crowded location is never fun. The stress and strain of actually finding a spot is just about equaled by trying to find the car again once you return. Some people even take photographs on their smartphones just so that they will be able to identify the place they need to return to.

Now here’s a little gadget that pairs up with your smartphone and works like a homing beacon for finding your car, no matter where it is parked. Called the Cariboo, the gadget simply needs to be plugged into the cigarette lighter of the car for it to be operational.

Once plugged in, it will need to be linked to an App which is available on your smartphone to trace exactly where the car’s location is. Not only does it make finding your car easy, it also ensures that if someone else drives off with your car, you can trace it.

Other features include being able to send your precise location to friends while waiting for them to find you, as well as being able to generate statistical data on your personal driving habits. This is one science project that is  on it’s way to financial success.

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