Mobiles and Development of Children

Today the world has nearly three billion children and adolescents who are using mobile phones and technology associated with them. For these children mobiles are not something of a luxury, but a very much present part of daily life. Many grow up accessing their parent’s mobile phones from a very young age.

Society for Research in Child Development is trying to study the complexity in the effects of the continuous usage of mobile technology on the development of the current generation. Effects of mobile technology on cognitive control is of interest. As is the attention given by parents to early brain development.

Mobiles have been found to have a direct effect on the mood, amount of sleep and mental health of users. Now mobile usage needs to be examined in context of children as well. While the technology offers greater connectivity through cultures, it also increases potential security risks for the children.

One area of study that may have far reaching implications is how adolescents sexting may lead to more risky sexual behavior among teenagers and even younger children.  Not to mention the scientific study on how using mobiles can cause problems in the activities such as driving, walking, biking and jogging.

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