Inactivity and Ill Health

Our life today is a lot more sedentary than what it was just a couple of decades ago. Humans have begun working on computers and hardly walking around. The levels of inactivity during the day are constantly increasing. This is unfortunately not good news for the body, which tends to be seriously affected by this trend.

Studies are constantly being conducted to evaluate the effect of inactivity on human health. Some people have gone so far as to call sitting the new smoking, in the sense that the inactivity may be just as detrimental to your health as cigarettes were to a previous generation of chain smokers.

A scientific study being conducted by the researchers at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California is considering the state of health of people across 100 countries. Results show that more than five million people die annually from causes that are associated with inactivity. That is a highly disturbing pattern.

Try to avoid sitting still for long periods of time. Even if you must work on a computer for long hours take short breaks where you get up from the chair and walk around for five minutes. Do stretches for your back and ensure that you get some alternative physical exercise in the day as well.

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