How Safe Are GM Foods?

GM foods are produced from genetically engineered plants. The plant may be modified to increase it’s yield, become more resistant to insects and pests, or provide more nutrients per piece as compared to the naturally growing cousin. The genetic modification is done by manipulating the natural genome of the plant by adding or eliminating genetic material to the plant.

Since GM foods are grown faster and provide better production rates, farmers are switching to these seeds. However, there is considerable concern about just how safe the foods from such plants are for human consumption. The technology is still rapidly developing and there have been no long term studies on the effects that genetically engineered plants may have on the environment as well as the effect that the GM foods may have on the human body.

Studies that have been conducted are mostly being done by companies that are into genetic modification and are looking for ways to be accepted into popular markets. Neutral studies that work on the affect of human health are still to come. However short term scientific studies conducted locally have shown that so far there have been no side effects or adverse problems from the consumption of GM foods such as tomatoes, potatoes, corn, and soy bean.

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