Sustainable Living- Who Can Help?

As the planet’s population grows, the pressure on it’s limited resources increases. In order for us to make the most of the future, we need to adopt a healthier approach to living in harmony with our surroundings. Human activity has already changed the landscape and the climate. It may not be long before it reached the point of no return and causes us to have a breakdown in our current way of life.

Perhaps it is now out of the hands of the government and politicians to orchestrate a change. Perhaps it is now time to see who the actual agents of change can be. Those who care about the planet and it’s future. Those who are willing to create a lifestyle that is actually sustainable, eco friendly and replicated easily.

It is the cities that need to come together with their locally run businesses and citizens. They are the people on ground who can make the small changes that will add up to the big changes that are needed by the planet. It would make an interesting science project to find out just what a family of four could contribute to a sustainable living effort. Think of all the ways that small actions could be incorporated into family level activities.

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