Meet “Mr. Trash Wheel”

Our oceans are becoming the receptacles for all the trash that we can’t seem to recycle. The plastic that seems to end up in the waters of the Earth are likely to suffocate all life in the oceans soon. While people are now more aware of the dangers of plastic trash, they are still not quite as proactive when it comes to tidying up after themselves.

Daniel Chase and John Kellet designed a barge that works it’s way through the harbor in Boston, collecting all the trash that is accumulated in the water. From plastic bags, to Styrofoam cups the trash eating wheel collects everything it can find in the polluted waters of the harbor. This is then collected and recycled properly. Some of the so called trash is actually converted back in to energy by incineration which generated power that is used to power homes in Maryland.

The locals love the ecological contraption and call it Mr. Trash Wheel. The concept is simple, and the work that is done truly benefits the environment. This barge even is running on renewable energy. It’s a combination of solar and water power that allows it to continue it’s clean up work. What more could you ask for an ecological warrior! Needless to say it’s a science project that meets a great need.

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