Bye Bye Barbeques

If you are a health food fanatic, you are going to have to grill your meat another way. Apparently a study conducted at the University of Oxford in the UK has concluded that grilling with coal as a fuel is really a heart risk. Derrick Bennet, who led the study said that they focused on the effects of long term use of coal, wood and charcoal as a cooking fuel as associated with a risk of increasing cardiovascular disease.

The study was based on adults in the age group of 30 to 79 years living in China. The data was collected for over four years between 2004 and 2008 on 341,730 adults to identify the potential impact of cooking with solid fuels. It has been suggested that the air pollution from the solid fuels may have led to the increase in heart related illnesses in the group.

The study also turned an eye on how switching from solid fuel to clean fuel, that is either gas or electric fuel, to cook had impacted the study group. It was concluded in the scientific study that the switch from solid to clean fuel helped to lower the instances of cardiovascular related deaths in the study group.

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