Who Will AI Replace

The advent of the factory machines sent a number of handicraft workers into oblivion. Similarly the advancement of the technologies powered by Artificial Intelligence are likely to have a significant impact on a number of commonly held human jobs. Brookings Institution has been studying the effect of AI on jobs in the US. They recently came out with a report that said almost 36 million Americans held jobs that were high exposure to automation.

That about 70% of their tasks could soon be performed by machines and robots. Here are some jobs that robots may be soon seen performing as they edge out the human competition. Cooks, waiters, short haul truck drivers and clerical office workers. Mark Muro, lead author of the report, said that humans are going to need to upskill and reskill if they need to change jobs quickly.

As per Muro the changes would occur from the next few years to the next couple of decades in the marketplace. The changes are likely to hit the smaller cities worst where there are no alternative jobs available. While economists say that automation will have an overall positive effect on the labour market, it is a fact that many people are soon going to lose their jobs to robots that are currently just science projects.

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