Banning Plastic- Why It Helps

There is no denying the fact that using plastic materials has made life a lot more easier for this generation of people. However the overwhelming amount of plastic that ends up in landfills and in the oceans is slowly but surely threatening to suffocate our planet.

To gain a better perspective about just why the plastic menace is so bad, imagine every single tooth brush, straw, plastic spoon or fork that you have ever used in your life. Now imagine them all added up and lying in one place, because there is not way that any of it has decomposed and gone back to nature.

A number of countries are waking up to this perpetual problem understand that if they don’t want to poison the land and seas with plastic, there must be drastic action. The European Union is thus planning to ban plastic consumer goods like glasses, straws, plates and cutlery by 2021.

The scientific research that backs this decision hopes that using environment friendly alternatives will help scale back the percentage of plastic in the garbage from 80% at present to less than half of that number within the five years after the implementation of the ban.

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