Trust Your Senses

We have five primary senses. These are the sense of sight, smell, hearing, tasting and feeling. Each of these senses is essential to our experience of the world. They are all related to a part of the body as well. We see with our eyes, smell with the nose, hear with our ears, taste with our tongue and feel with our skin.

So how do we use these in a science project? If you think about it, without the senses there would be difficulty in doing any science project. For instance if you were unable to see the water being turned into ice, how would you know that putting it in the freezer would change its form from liquid to solid?

Again if you were unable to hear, how would you know that the motor of the toy car is running? Or if you were unable to smell how would you know that the cake is cooking in the oven. If you think about it all that you do is related to one sense or the other. The way we live is dictated in a large manner by how effective our senses are.

That’s why the blind, or hearing impaired live in a different manner than us. They are challenged each to to experience the world in the way we do. It is a constant struggle for them to navigate the world with one sense missing. Try going without using a sense for a day to see how dependent you are on it.  Here’s one project that will belie your sense of sight.

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