Hot Air Projects

The air around us is what makes it possible for earth to sustain life. The air is every present and you can feel it every time it moves as breeze. If it is faster we call it wind. It is this air that we can use for a number of science projects. It is easily available at any time of the day or night, no matter where on earth you are.

Now you know that air is around us all the time, yet you can’t see it. So how do you know for sure that it exists? You can prove its presence by blowing up balloons. The content inside is air, if you release the air inside it will loose the shape that it has taken. A balloon changes its shape and stretches to  accommodate the air that is being filled inside it.

Also if you light an incense stick you will see some smoke. Now if the air around the incense stick is disturbed the smoke will make different patterns. Try blowing lightly at the smoke to see what form of waves you can make in the air. If you blow too hard the smoke might disappear all together.

Why does that happen? It happens because the air replaces the smoke at a very fast rate. So though the smoke is there it can’t really be seen.  This hot air balloon experiment is great fun. Try it out if you have some time.

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