Indulge your senses and do some science experiments

We have five senses and they help us to perceive the world around us. The truth is that without these senses we would be no better than the rock out there in the garden. It makes no difference to the rock how hot the sun is or how cold the snow is. However because of our senses we can feel the heat and appreciate the cool breeze on the skin.

Do you feel chilled when an ice cube is placed on you skin? That again is the magic of senses. Imagine going to the bakery when they have just finished baking a fresh batch of bread. That aroma of freshly baked goodies hits your sense of smell and triggers instant hunger pangs. Or at least a little craving for a fresh sweet bun.

Not all the senses can be pleasant. Remember that trip to the  emergency room? The smell of disinfectant and the prick of the needle as you got that tetanus shot? These are sensations as well, even if they are ones that you do not much care for. That’s why we tend to indulge our senses with pleasant sensations so that we feel good.

When your parents want you to tone down the music system or television, they are actually trying to calm their sense of hearing. Sounds make for interesting sensations. This is a great experiment with sound. Give it a go to see just how effective your sense of hearing is.

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