Conserve Natural Resources

Resources are limited. The need to conserve what we have is very important. Here is what an official from the Ministry of Defence from Brazil had to say, “In the coming era of scarcity, we’re going to have to defend what we’ve got with our claws, our feet and our weapons”. Does it sound too dramatic? It may just come true.

So what is the real problem here? Does the Earth not have enough resources to help keep all its population comfortable? It does have the resources, the problem lies in the distribution of these resources. The bulk of these resources are available to a marginal percentage of the population. For instance things that we take for granted like electricity, clean water and a home are not available to a majority of people in poor nations.

How often have you left the bulb in the basement on all night? Did you know that you were wasting electricity? Its is not just about the mounting electric bill that your parents have to pay. It is also about respecting the fact that you have a responsibility to use the resources at your command.

YOU can make a difference by taking small steps. Use Eco Friendly Material for your Science Project. You don’t have to buy new things to make a project out of. Use stuff from around the home. Try out this experimental gluep. I’m sure you will enjoy making this and it will not be a burden on nature’s resources.

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