Science of the Stars : Make a celestial model

The stars have fascinated mankind since ancient times, so why not base your science fair project on them. The two branches of science that have emerged from this fascination are Astrology and Astronomy. The early Astronomers grouped the shiny stars at night into shapes. These came to be known as constellations.

The twelve most famous constellations relate to the Zodiac Signs. This is where Astronomy comes into play. The different signs of the zodiac are based on these twelve different constellations, namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Wouldn’t it make an interesting science project to display the Celestial Sphere divided into these 12 large sectors based on these signs. Make the shapes of the twelve main zodiac constellations in the model. Have each constellation joined up with straws or string to show the shape.

This model will need to be made like a jigsaw puzzle that you can assemble on the spot. After all a large project like this is also likely to be rather delicate. Try and stick to the actual size scale of the constellations to maintain some authenticity in the celestial sphere.

The model could be supplemented with a display of the symbols of all zodiac signs along with their shape. As an interesting add on you could describe the main characteristics of the people born under that particular sign below the astronomical symbol.  You could add trivia regarding famous people born under particular zodiac signs as well. Get more help here

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