Comets and Eclipses

There is much more to the universe than the earth on which we live. Yet since we live on the earth it is of far greater interest to us than any other part of the universe. So why not set your science project on phenomena which is observed on the earth?

What are the naturally occurring phenomena that are of interest to us? How about the comets? We know a lot more about comets now than we did before.  Well at least we don’t think of comets as shadows of death and destruction to come any more, unlike they did in ancient times. In fact it may be possible to make your own comet as a science project.

Sounds too messy? Well how about another frequently observed natural phenomena the eclipse. Be it a making a pin drop camera to view the solar eclipse or staying up half the night staring at the moon to see the lunar eclipse, they are fascinating.  How about making more practical use of the information you can gather with viewing an eclipse? Use eclipses to calculate the distance of the sun and the moon from the earth.

Sounds too high blown? De-stress by making some slime! Okay I know that’s totally unrelated, but I’m sure it will be fun! Just try it out.

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