Getting set for space

Elementary school science projects may get restricted some what when it comes to the technical theory. You can make up for that with imagination and heaps of fun. To make a space based science project you don’t have to limit yourself to actual space equipment.
Try making it a series of small projects which would reflect space travel. Start with the first stop, clouds! Make a children’s mobile using cloud cutouts and some bells. You can hang it up in the room after you are done. Then describe gravitational force and how you can over come it.
How can you imagine space travel with out the rocket? Try and make a working model of the rocket . And then talk about the galaxy and the stars that they will encounter in the rocket. You can have them cut up pictures of the galaxy or even make their own stars and make a montage.

The equipment and dress of the astronauts will come next. Talk about the kind of fibers that are used in such cases. How they can resist water and fire to some extent. If possible get some raincoats and pour water on them to demonstrate the water proof effect.

Getting kids excited about space is almost like an investment in the future of the planet. Just let them know a few facts while they have a whole lot of fun.

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