The Freeze Gun

Remember the science fiction freeze gun which makes the person incapable of moving? Thanks to some science experiments being conducted by researchers these may no longer be fiction very long. The use of electrical impulses by scientists has succeeded in affecting the brains of participants in the experiment by slowing down their physical actions.

Sound familiar? Yes indeed it is possible to affect the actions of a person as Alek Pogosyan of the University College London has proved. The research is actually in aid of developing treatments for those suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Also the activities of the people did not diminish all together like in the science fictions movies.

The activities merely slowed down by about 10 per cent. In Parkinson’s disease the beta activity of the neurons gets accelerated considerably. And before a normal person makes a voluntary movement this same beta activity of the brain drops considerably. By using electrical stimulation the scientists increased the beta activity in the participants of the study.

This made them slow down their physical movements.  Maybe the gun to freeze all movements may not become a reality any time soon, but this study has proved that it is a distinct possibility. Try out other interesting science projects here.

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