Spin the Egg

The science project titled checking the inertia of an egg can actually be turned into a quick party game. Place a few raw eggs along with one hard boiled one in a plate. Now ask your friends to point out to the hard boiled one. The eggs should all be at room temperature otherwise the hard boiled one will be too easy to spot.

Any way, once they have failed to identify the hardboiled egg, all you need to do is spin the eggs gently in the plate. The ones that are not boiled will be wobbly while spinning. The hard boiled egg will spin smoothly because the liquid inside the egg is all solidified.

This happens because the inertia of the liquid is missing in the hard boiled egg. Party game plus science lesson rolled into one. You can also use different party games which include science principles. Believe it or not spin the bottle also uses the inertia of the bottle to stop.

If you are looking for more fun science experiments to do you can head over to solve the mystery of the soda can collapsing here. There is just science and no magic to all these funny and weird happenings. Check it out when you have some time.

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