When does Artificial Intelligence get dangerous?

As I mentioned in the last post Artificial Intelligence is not some futuristic science project awaiting completion. It is surprising but we are already living with AI in our midst. We don’t even realize that the gadgets and devices which use the technology of AI and make our lives easier use AI.

Our concept of AI is more in tune with the walking and talking robots that we see in science fiction movies. The fear that these robots will multiply and take over the human world is a common theme in these sci-fi movies. However the AI that we use today is very far from the Conscious Intelligence which will be capable of doing such a deed.

Conscious Intelligence is genuine Artificial Intelligence which does not need human intervention to learn and grow. While Artificial Intelligence relates only to programmed responses which the robot can perform Conscious Intelligence will allow the robot to think for itself and make decisions.

This is far from becoming a reality today. The robots that are constructed today can not take their own decisions. They merely follow a set of steps to arrive at a decision following a “Yes” or “No” type of flow chart. This is very different from something that can reason things out for themselves.

Eventually some one will design the perfect robot with Conscious Intelligence. We wait for that ultimate science project to come to life.

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