Are fat people better singers?

While it would not be conclusive to say so in case of human beings, it seems that fat male penguins are better singers than their thinner peers. In a study conducted by researchers in the University of Auckland in New Zealand it was found that female penguins preferred the songs of fatter male penguins.

The body fat seems to lend a distinct quality to the voice. When a female approaches a male in the mating season they emit a squawking sound. The fat provided support to the sound with the females going for the penguins who did not sound quavery. The female Adelie penguins headed for the well padded mates on a regular basis.

Perhaps one of the reasons why the female prefers fatter males is the fact that nesting and rearing are traditionally the male penguins job. So if the male has enough fat reserves he is less likely to give up on the egg in the freezing polar cold. Point in case you might think of the penguin father in Happy Feet who dropped the egg!

So does the same apply to humans? Is the fatter a human male make him a better singer? That might be tougher to answer. For at one end your have a tenor like Pavorotti and at the other end of the same spectrum Justin Timberlake.  As with all things humans are a bit more complicated to figure out. Try out this science project instead.

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