Vitamins for Plant Growth

Vitamins are supposed to be good for you, but are they good for plants too? That’s the question we try to answer with this science project. Just how good are vitamins for plant growth? Do they make a marked difference or do they make no difference at all. What are fertilizers after all if not some distant cousin of vitamins? They make up for deficiencies in the soil to give the plant better growth don’t they? So why should the vitamins that help us not help plants grow better too.  Let’s experiment and find out.

Take three identical saplings and use one of them as control. The other two are going to get vitamins and fertilizer doses for the experiment. You will need to place the plants all in the same area so that they can get the same amount of exposure to sun and the other natural elements. They will be watered together at the same time and in the same quantity. The only difference will be the supplements that they get.

The plants will be observed for a three month period with recording of observations made each week. The growth spurts of each plant will be notes in inches and recorded in a journal which will prove useful to make comparisons as time progresses. The Science Project can be terminated any time after there is enough data to provide a well rounded project.

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