Hands on Science Experiments

There are any number of science experiments that you can do at home. It has been proved time and again that a hands on approach to science results in better learning and retention. So if you read about a principle or theory you will remember it with some effort. But the minute you do a practical experiment based on the theory you will remember it with no effort at all.

That’s why hands on science experiments are a must. So what are a few such experiments that you can take on? There are many simple projects that need no elaborate set up, materials or extra learning.Further more each room in the house can give you a science experiment.

You can build yourself a baking soda volcano in the kitchen. Or do an experiment on buoyancy in the bathroom. You can use light waves from a lamp in the sitting room to prove that light travels in a straight line. As you can see the possibilities are many and endless.

All that is required is a seeking spirit and a curious mind. If you look at everything and wonder how it works you care well on your way to a hands on encounter with science experiments.

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