Bubbles Away

There is nothing as much fun as blowing bubbles. Big ones, small ones, a great many altogether. Its all a matter of how you twist the hand and blow the air.  And guess what this fun activity can also be turned into a science experiment project. All you need to do is take some notes while you are having fun.

Here’s how we will convert bubble blowing into a science project worthy of entry in a science fair. First we need a problem to serve as the hypothesis. So lets say we are looking for the bubble solution that makes the bubbles last the longest. Or you could be looking for the bubble solution that makes the largest sized bubbles.

Next you need to mix up three to four different types of bubble solutions. Vary the basic ingredients of the bubble solution in ratio to see which bubble solution makes the best bubbles as per your hypothesis. Make sure that you record all the bubble blowing attempts and measurements.

This data can be represented in a nice table highlighting which particular combination worked the best for your bubbles. At the science fair have two of the bubble solutions available for blowing bubbles as part of your display. Have the best and the worst bubble solutions as per your data on hand to illustrate the difference with ease. Can you think of a more interesting science fair project?

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