Space Exploration is a Dangerous Business

The call of the great unknown has always beckoned humankind. Now with all the terrestrial areas having been mapped the boundaries of the unknown have got pushed into outer space. The ongoing science project which is called space exploration is a dangerous business indeed.

Lives are at stake in every mission that seeks to send humans out into the hostile reaches of outer space. The point was driven home very effectively when the Space Shuttle Columbia crashed killing all seven crew members on board on February 1, 2003. The tragedy served an important purpose in reminding all of us of the frailty of human life and the strength of human spirit.

As the 106 metric ton weighing Space Shuttle Columbia re entered the over Texas there was anticipation at the completion of a mission well done. However shortly after the controlled, destructive reentry of the shuttle pieces of the space vehicle broke up. This happened when the left wing shielding during launch allowed hot gases to enter the wing structure of the shuttle.

The disintegration of the Space Shuttle Columbia saw pieces of debris scattering all over northern Texas and eastern Louisiana. The media covered the event extensively and it was humbling to learn that the best laid plans could really go astray. Not that it affected the science projects dedicated to exploring space as new missions still are being planned each day.

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