Should we all cycle everywhere?

The researchers involved with science projects based on the environment say that the Earth is being swallowed up by the pollution caused by green house gases. There are more things going wrong with the environment today due to human meddling than ever before. Environmentalists have serious concerns about the feasibility of the planet to support its growing human population.

What then is the solution to managing the pollution that we as a race have brought forth? Do we give up our smoke making industries and polluting lifestyles? How about the different means of transportation that use fossil fuels? Should we all cycle everywhere? Obviously that is not the solution.

The real solution would be to find a situation where the human race can live in harmony with the natural environment. A task that we have failed miserably given our bleak history. It may be already too late to reverse the damage that we have done to the environment, but at least we can be more careful with the resources that we have in the future.

Part of that process is developing new technologies so that the older ones which harm the environment can be put to rest. In this case any new idea which is environment friendly deserves a chance to be explored in a science project. So put on your thinking hats and come up with such possibilities.

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