Water on the Moon : Science Experiments

Recently NASA  revealed that India’s maiden lunar mission, Chandrayaan-I, had traced water molecules on the moon’s surface.  This caused all kinds of ripples of excitement all through the scientific community. What’s the source of this excitement? Why are all kinds of dignified grown ups acting like they are four and have been given a huge bar of candy?

The moon has always been considered a hostile environment for human beings like us. It was believed to be dry and arid thanks to having no atmosphere. It was considered impossible for life as we know it to survive on the moon. Even though it is our closest heavenly neighbor, humans could not believe that it would ever be possible to actually survive there for any length of time.

Now if water exists on the moon what possibilities does it open up for us on Earth? The water molecules can be split to create oxygen. Maybe we can have a science project involving getting the moon an atmosphere.  As land gets consumed by urban jungles, perhaps land on the moon could be brought under cultivation to grow food for us.  The possibilities are mind boggling. If all this talk about the moon makes you want to blast off into outer space, try out this science project idea on Rockets till you are grown up enough to get to the real deal .

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