Share it all in the Display Board

Once you have completed your science fair project, get to work on the display board that you will be using. The visual appeal of a project at the science fair is almost as important as the actual project. If the project does not stand out the judges may miss it.

One sure shot  way to get the attention of the judges is to have a great display board in place. Try and make the display board read like a newspaper. Add attractive and bold headlines for each section. Make sure you have some good illustrations supporting the written word.

To ensure that the people reading the display board don’t have to squint make the font size a large 16 to 18. Keep the font simple and don’t go in for anything extra curvy or twisty. Verdana, Ariel or Times New Roman usually work best.

Have enough charts and graphics to break the monotony of the written word, but not so many that people are wondering if you actually wrote anything worthwhile. Also acknowledge the help that you received from different people during the making of the project.

Make sure that you read up on what the science fair project allows you to put up on the display board. Some science fair rules do not allow you to put up your name on the display board, others do. So make sure you don’t get caught on a technicality.

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